Common Sense Fat Burning Strategies

man lifting weights

There are many common sense fat burning strategies that one can implement without having to survive on carrot sticks and celery to succeed. Most would agree that exercise is an important factor in being able to burn fat. But it is important to vary the exercises for this to be successful. Here are some strategies that many have found to be beneficial.

Strength Training

man lifting weightsWhile aerobics are ideal for burning extra calories, they aren’t going to be burning off a lot of fat. In order to burn off extra fat, it is recommended to do some strength training exercises. If going to the gym is not an option for you, there are still ways to succeed at it. Consider kettle bells and hand weights as well as stretch bands. One tip is to put them where they’ll readily be seen as a reminder. There are many strength training exercises that are ideal to do while watching television or taking a walk. You never want exercise to be a chore or boring so change it out and do a variety of things. Build up different sets of muscles each and every day such as abs, biceps, deltoids, triceps and glutes. In time, these muscles will become lean and tight thus reducing fat.

Forget Counting Calories

Instead of counting calories, consider eating a healthy well rounded diet. Boost the intake of fat fighting foods such as lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables and berries. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks and drink plenty of water to help flush fats out of your system. Juices such as blueberry, cherry and pomegranate are all ideal choices to burn fats as well. Many have found great success by eating five smaller meals in lieu of three main meals per day. The smaller meals eliminate the urge to snack on unhealthy foods and help to keep blood sugar levels and energy levels on an even plane throughout the day.

Avoid Saturated Fats

Saturated fats tend to linger in the body creating more fat. Eat healthy fat options such as olive oils will go far in helping the body to succeed at burning those undesired fats.


Most people don’t get enough sleep. Statistics show that a healthy person requires seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep can wreck havoc on the hormones and cause a person to retain fat. Sleep deprivation can increase the appetite and cause cravings that cause the body to retain fat. People often try to make up for lack of sleep with fatty foods and sweets which are counter productive to the overall goal.

Check the Thyroid

If a person is suffering from hypothyroidism, they are going to be heavier and their body will hang on to that fat. Feeling sluggish and out of sorts can often be signs of this condition. If the above tactics fail to maintain a healthy weight, consider checking the thyroid. Once a thyroid issue is resolved the person can lose the excess fat and begin to feel healthy again. Statistics show that approximately one in five adults are suffering from under active thyroids which can lead to being overweight.

By incorporating strength training, adjusting your meal portions, avoiding saturated fats, ensuring you get sufficient rest and verifying your thyroid is functioning as it should are all tips that are sure to boost your metabolism. Following these common sense fat burning strategies can help you burn the fat off your body.